Sunday, November 22, 2009

a day of firsts

Today is Evelyn's 20 month birthday. We marked the wall with her height and went to the park. Today was also the first time she climbed up to the top of the slide and went down all by herself. We had lots of fun on the slide and swinging. Another family was there feeding the ducks.

Evie also learned to say a few new words today: bunny (sounds more like "money"), duck, park and one more...


She also made blowfish on the glass door while Daddy was firing up the grill. Three guesses who showed her that trick.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Somebody call the Cute Police!!

This picture of Evelyn is just too cute not to share with the whole world! Unfortunately the Buckeyes did not win this weekend. (What was up with Pryor already?)

We've been having lots of fun this weekend playing around the house, going on a walk to the playground and being entertained by Giggle Pig. (This toy is a stuffed pig that shakes and laughs maniacally when activated.)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Guacamole Anyone?

Daddy captured a prime moment, and it is worth sharing!
I cannot believe that my little girl is a year and a half. Time just goes by so quickly. Evelyn is showing signs of entering her "terrible twos" and gets pretty frustrated so easily. We are working hard at getting Evie to "use her words" and not giving her something that she's broken down and cried over unless she has stopped crying.

Daycare tells us that she really enjoys cleanup time there... I wish she would do that at home!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Oh what a night!

Evelyn is in rare form this evening. Today, she got to spend the day at work with Mommy. This was grand fun. She got to entertain Mommy's boss for about 30 minutes towards the end of the day to let Mommy get some lose ends tied up. Then, on the way home we stopped to pick up Mackenzie, one of Zoey's canine pals. And oh, boy, another dog!!!!

Since Evie spent the day at work, she only napped for about a total of an hour and a half as opposed to the three hours she gets on the average day. She has lost all control of the volume of her voice. She also spent time running laps up and down the long hallway in our house (from the front door to the kitchen drawers) pushing a laundry basket, stopping at her drawer, selecting an item to go up and down the hallway again, "singing." (Top of her voice, random syllables at various tones.)

I just know that she's going to crash and sleep, sleep my pretties, tonight!

Friday, June 19, 2009

I know, I know... has been way too long since I posted. Monday marks 15 months of life for our sweet girl. I never imagined how much joy my little one would bring to my life.

We've been to the Zoo a couple of times (thanks Aunties for the birthday present) and to her everything is a dog. She can't say dog yet, but she knows sign language for dog and pants to indicate dog. Soo sweet. She was totally amazed by the tiger and the fish.

More recently, she gave us a huge scare when she spiked a temperature of 106.7 on the temporal artery thermometer and 104.9 on the rectal. I don't think I've ever traveled faster on I70 than last Sunday as Justin hurried us to Children's ER.

It turns out that she had a urinary tract infection. Don't worry, she's on the mend and was almost 100% herself again yesterday. Luckily this week our sitter was on vacation and Daddy had already planed on staycation with his little girl.

Spaghetti anyone?

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Evelyn has finally mustered up a mmmmmmmmmmama! Such music to my ears! I'm not totally sure that she knows that I'm "mama" but she's been able to repeat it a few times, especially when I'm changing her.

Right now she's been fighting a nap for about an hour, and you would think I should go get her, but she only makes one or two fusses every 5 to 15 minutes. It might be that "the guys" are here for D&D and making enough noise to be disturbing, she could be working on a top tooth, or she may be getting sick. (I'm really hoping that she's not getting sick, but that's how she is acting.) I went up and found a poopy diaper (#3 today, so far!!!) changed her, and laid her back down. It has been silent now for 15 minutes, so I'm hoping sleep has found her.