Friday, October 26, 2007

Leg cramps???

Nobody told me that leg cramps would be part of the baby game. I woke up last night around 3:15 AM with the *worst* Charlie horse I have ever experienced. The pain sat me up in bed moaning so loudly that I woke poor Justin. "It's okay," he says, "the adrenaline will soon go away." Well, he was sound asleep by 4. How do I know? Well, let's just say that I wasn't. The Charlie horse turned into a muscle spasm that kept me up, in fact the muscle is still twitching now 6 hours later. Then my tummy started grumbling and I gave up. I went downstairs and had a tall glass of milk and some of the yummy apple crisp that Dart (my mother-in-law) baked for us on Tuesday evening. With a full belly, I crashed out on the couch with WOSU-HD on the TV. I slept until that creepy Boobah kids show came on at 6 when I just turned off the TV and rolled over on the couch. I sure hope Evie never sees Boobah.

1 comment:

Jennifer O. said...

That is so funny, Megan. I woke up at 4am because of leg pain last night. I got up, went to the computer for a while and then my tummy was growling so I also went to the fridge and had a big glass of milk. I've been having soreness at the top of my belly, too. Have you? It is making me nervous to have these aches so early - what's going to happen to us in 3rd trimester? I heard from a podcaster on Pregtastic her pregnancy charlie horses were horrible. She did stretches every night before bed to try and ward them off.