Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Pregnancy Brain Strikes....Again!!!

It is fact that pregnant women suffer from being scatterbrained while pregnant and we get to blame it on, you guessed it, hormones!!! I seem to be suffering from "pregnancy brain." The other night, I used the bathroom, flushed, washed my hands, turned off the lights and left the bathroom. About 10 minutes later, my dear husband came to me saying, "I turned the water off for you." I had left the water in the sink running after washing my hands!!! Now, I know I've had other episodes of pregnancy brain that I totally wanted to share with my readers, but, well, I cannot remember what they are to save my life!!!!

Anyways, we had our 16 week checkup on Friday and recorded the heartbeat! Bebe Troyer was beating away between 140 and 150 bpm. I'll get Justin to upload the mp3 to our server and link to it here. I'll be at conferences this week and next, and our Level II ultrasound is October 15 and we were given an unofficial 75% chance that we'll find out the sex of the baby!!! Stay tuned.

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